Museer i Ribe

Photo: Vadehavskysten

En tur på museum er et must når du holder ferie i Ribe. Kig forbi museet Ribes Vikinger hvor historien ligger for dine fødder, se Ribe Kunstmuseums smukke samling af dansk kunst, besøg Domkirkemuseet eller Det Gamle Rådhus, mulighederne er mange.


Wadden Sea Centre - The Gate to UNESCO World Heritage

The Wadden Sea -The Gate to UNESCO World Heritage. The Migratory Birds Wadden Sea.


Ribe VikingeCenter - meet the vikings

In Ribe VikingeCenter you can experience everything from the big international Viking Market in april/may, to Viking warriors and Vikings on their icelandic horses. Lots of hands-on activities every d...

Ribe Art Museum
Photo: Ribe Kunstmuseum

Ribe Art Museum

Ribe Art Museum is a unique space, where art, architecture and landscape combine in a beautiful, atmospheric environment.

Museet Ribes Vikinger
Photo: Museet Ribes Vikinger

Museet Ribes Vikinger

What were the origins of Ribe and how did the town’s inhabitants live when Ribe was a major European trading centre?

Jacob A. Riis Museum in Ribe
Photo: Sydvestjyske Museer

Jacob A. Riis Museum in Ribe

Jacob A. Riis Museum tells the fascinating tale of the boy from Ribe who emigrated to America in 1870. President Roosevelt of the United States called him the most helpful citizen in New York.

Ribe Cathedral Museum
Photo: Ribe Domkirke

Ribe Cathedral Museum

Just 44 steps up the tower staircase in Ribe Cathedral, you can find the Cathedral Museum, which presents the architectural history of the Cathedral and tells the story about the religious life in Den...

HEX! Museum of Witch Hunt in Ribe
Photo: Gitte Lindeborg

HEX! Museum of Witch Hunt in Ribe

Ribe was the home of Denmark's most famous witch Maren Splidds. That is why the museum about witch hunts in Denmark and Europe is of course located here.

The Old Town Hall in Ribe
Photo: Sydvestjyske Museer

The Old Town Hall in Ribe

Experience a historic time when you visit the Old Town Hall in Ribe.
