Kirker og klostre i Ribe

Photo: Vadehavskysten

Ribe Domkirke og Sct. Catharinæ Kirke og Klostergård er de eneste to prægtige komplekser, der er levnet af alle Ribes middelalderlige kirker, klostre, kapeller og hospitaler. I højmiddelalderen fandtes hele 10 kirker og 4 klostre.

Ribe Cathedral - Denmark's oldest cathedral
Photo: Ribe Domkirke

Ribe Cathedral - Denmark's oldest cathedral

Ribe Cathedral - The Church of Our Lady - from the year 1200 built of Rhenish tuff stone with later Gothic changes and additions made in brick. The Cathedral was originally built as a three-aisled chu...

St. Catharinæ Church and Abbey in Ribe
Photo: Destination Vadehavskysten

St. Catharinæ Church and Abbey in Ribe

This beautiful Abbey Sct. Catharinæ Church, just a stone's throw from the splendid cathedral, is one of the oldest and best-preserved monastic buildings in Scandinavia.


Kirker i omegnen af Ribe

Vester Vedsted Church
Photo: Destination Vadehavskysten

Vester Vedsted Church

Vester Vedsted Church can be traced back to approx. 1175, where it was founded on the dune in Vester Vedsted, originally it is a tuff stone church.

Hjortlund Church
Photo: Destination Vadehavskysten

Hjortlund Church

Hjortlund Church is located on an elevation down towards Kongeåen and until the Reformation in 1536 the church belonged to Ribe Cathedral.

Mandø Church
Photo: Destination Vadehavskysten

Mandø Church

Mandø Church was built in 1639 and is one of three known church buildings on Mandø. The sea claimed the earlier churches.
