Benefits For You App

Photo: Vadehavskysten

On you can explore our selected experiences and get access to reduced prices and other benefits.

The benefit price is valid for the whole family unless otherwise stated. The benefit price cannot be combined with other discount offers.

Benefits EN


Benefits For You is handed out at
Hotel Dagmar, Feriecenter Ribe Byferie, Danhostel Ribe, Ribe Camping, Kammerslusen, Den Gamle Arrest, Storkesøen Fiske- og Familiepark, B&B Sælhunden, Lustrup Farmhouse, Hotel og Restaurant Vadehavet, B&B Eleonoras/Klostergården, Hotel Ribe, B&B Mandø


Benefits For You is handed out at
CabInn, Hotel Britannia, Esbjerg Camping, Scandic Olympic, Hjerting Badehotel, Danhostel Esbjerg, A Place To


Benefits For You is handed out at
Fanø Krogaard, Kellers Badehotel, Danibo, Feldberg Familie Camping, Sønderho Kro